***Note: Changes to the Endorsement process are forthcoming and the information below may be out of date. If you are interested in learning more about the Endorsement process, reach out to the Endorsement coordinator at [email protected] for the most up-to-date information.***
We are delighted that you are interested in the Connecticut Association for Infant Mental Health (CT-AIMH) Endorsement® process. You will find here the information that you will need to determine what category you believe you fit, what competencies you need to acquire, what you need to get started on your portfolio as well as the answers to the many questions that you may have.
Endorsement is an internationally recognized credential used to demonstrate specialization in the infant-early childhood mental health (IECMH) field. Endorsement supports and recognizes the development of professionals who work with or on behalf of pregnant people, infants, young children, and their families. Endorsement was developed by MI-AIMH in 2002 and is now used by 33 state associations of infant mental health (AIMHs) and two international associations. Each of those AIMHs is a member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health. Through the Alliance, Endorsement in Connecticut is recognized in each of the 35 AIMHs! As of December 31, 2021, over 4,600 professionals had earned Endorsement worldwide!
What is Endorsement®?
View a short webinar here.
View an Endorsement Brochure and a Brief Overview of Requirements for an overview.
The intent of the CT-AIMH Endorsement® is to recognize and document the development of infant, early childhood and family professionals within an organized system of culturally sensitive, relationship-based, infant and early childhood mental health learning and work experiences. The CT-AIMH Endorsement® will verify that an applicant has attained a level of education as specified, participated in specialized in-service trainings, worked with guidance from mentors or supervisors, and acquired knowledge to promote the delivery of high quality, culturally sensitive, relationship-focused services to infants, toddlers, parents, other caregivers and families. The CT-AIMH Endorsement® will provide information of significant benefit to employers, referral sources, and the courts seeking expert witnesses related to the social and emotional development of infants and young children and their families. Of additional importance, the CT-AIMH Endorsement® will be useful in developing individual professional development plans.
Who can apply?
The Endorsement credential is intended for everyone who applies IECMH principles in their work across the full continuum of promotion, prevention/early intervention, clinical intervention/treatment, and macro scopes of practice. This includes any professional who has experience working with or on behalf of pregnant people, infants, young children, parents, and/or other caregivers.
Voices of the Workforce
In the video, IECMH professionals discuss what becoming Endorsed means to them. The video was produced by the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.
Why apply for Endorsement?
- To grow and develop as a professional in the rapidly expanding infant, young child and family field
- To be recognized by employers and peers for having attained a level of competency in culturally sensitive, relationship-focused practice that promotes IECMH
- To better support the infants, young children, families, students, agencies, and institutions in the promotion of IECMH
Steps to Endorsement:
- Identify your scope of work and align that with the category of Endorsement that fits best.
- Register on EASy, CT-AIMH’s web-based system for applying for Endorsement. Visit EASy at https://ctaimh.myeasy.org/ OR https://ctaimh.myeasy.org/es for EASy Español. The first time you visit EASy, click Register under New Applicant.
- EASy asks you to provide some details about your work, education, and RSC experiences. Complete and submit, including payment of the registration fee and membership fee if not already a member of CT-AIMH.
- Log into EASy and prepare application (minimum 4-weeks to complete). Once completed, submit application along with payment of the processing fee.
- Application review and, for Infant or Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist & Infant or Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor applicants, successful completion of a written exam.
- Endorsement! Begin using the IMH-E® or ECMH-E® credential after your name.
The application includes:
- Specialized education, work, in-service training, leadership, and RSC experiences
- Transcripts (unofficial) from colleges/universities where competencies were met
- Three reference rating forms; completed electronically via EASy
- Code of Ethics, signed electronically via EASy
- Endorsement Agreement, signed electronically via EASy
For more information about the Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-focused Practice Promoting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health®, please contact our Endorsement Coordinator, Heather Bonitz-Moore, MS, ATR-BC, LPC, IECMH-E® at [email protected].
Download Scope of Work Flowchart
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