Endorsement® Emeritus Status
Purpose: In order to acknowledge those endorsed professionals who have made an enormous contribution to the field as defined below and for whom renewing Endorsement® would be a formality.
Description: Emeritus Status is reserved for end of career Endorsees who have documented leadership in and have made enormous contributions to the IECMH field. is reserved for end of career Endorsees who have documented leadership in and have made enormous contributions to the IECMH field.
What is required?
The Emeritus Status will be considered when an endorsed professional:
- Has been endorsed in any category of Endorsement® for a minimum of 5 years
- Is approaching end of career and may not have incentive to continue annual renewal requirements
- Has documented leadership and contribution to the IECMH field and Endorsement® (i.e. training, RSC, research, teaching, Endorsement® support such as advising and reviewing, etc.)
- Is approved for Emeritus status by a majority vote by the BOD
- Once offered the Emeritus status, the endorsed professional is still required to maintain active membership in the AIMH.
How to place a request?
Application here.
Email your completed application to the Endorsement Coordinator, Heather Bonitz Moore, heather.bonitzmoore.ct-aimh.org.
Due date:
Applications must be received each year by November 1st, in order to be considered.
Notification process:
The list of applicants will be offered to the CT-AIMH BOD at their January meeting, for consideration of approval.
The Endorsement Coordinator will notify applicants of their approval or any alternate recommendations, by January 31st.
Upon approval:
Once offered the Emeritus status, the endorsed professional will no longer be required to renew their Endorsement; however, it is still required to maintain active membership in the AIMH.
Please contact Heather Bonitz Moore at [email protected]
Endorsed Professionals with Emeritus Status:
Lois Davis, PhD, IMH-E®(C)
Margaret Holmberg, PhD, IMH-E®(P)
Darcy Lowell, MD, IMH-E®(P)
Catherine O’Brien, MEd, IMH-E®(P)
JoAnn Robinson, PhD, IMH-E®(R/F)
Dale Saul, PhD, IMH-E®(C)
Grace Whitney, PhD, IMH-E®(P)