Celebrate Babies!
During the month of October:
The 29 IMH associations will unify to keep the baby in mind. Gather and host an event – big or small!
For the past 6+ years, we have chosen a week in October and dedicated it to celebrating babies and the professionals who work with and/or on behalf of babies. This year, we are encouraging a Celebrate Babies event ANYTIME during the month of October!
YOU deserve to take time out of your usual, busy schedules and celebrate the incredible work you do, supporting and advocating for pregnant women, infants, young children and their families. With our collaborated efforts, we are certain we will make a huge impression on the behalf of babies!
Suggestions based on past Celebrate Babies! events:
- Talk to other professionals to discuss the “WHY” for why they celebrate babies
- Host and participate in a Celebrate Babies! drive (e.g. diaper/formula drive) to support your local community
- Go out to lunch with your colleagues to celebrate your work together
- Host a brown bag lunch and view the documentary “Babies” or another film like the Mr Rogers “Won’t you be My Neighbor” movie
- Organize a toy drive for children 0-6 & donate to an organization in your community
- Read, discuss, and reflect on one of the many columns from Families Today, formerly syndicated by the New York Times, co-authored by T. Berry Brazelton, MD and Joshua Sparrow, MD. Here are just a few:
- Watch videos of Touchpoints and Neonatal Assessment (here and here)
- Watch videos from the Center on the Developing Child