Why join?
Infants and young children and their caregivers deserve support and services that encourage nurturing relationships. By joining CT-AIMH together we can move forward in creating an infant/early childhood mental health system in Connecticut.
Who should join?
CT-AIMH welcomes the many disciplines that contribute to relationship-focused work with infants and their families: educators, therapists, clinicians, home visitors, social workers, nurses, psychologists, physicians.
- Conference fees reduced and the opportunity to register first.
- First to receive the Newsletter with updates on CT-AIMH initiatives.
- Connect with other infant and early childhood mental health professionals.
- Access to Infant and Early Childhood Endorsement through CT-AIMH (See Endorsement Tab)
- News from the World Association for Infant Mental Health
- News from the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health (over 29 states, including Connecticut, and 2 countries offering the Endorsement in Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health®).
Map of Alliance States

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