Developing a Guide
Ever mindful of the importance of the power of relationship and reflection to strengthen infant and early childhood mental health practices, the authors*, trainers, educators and learners themselves, provide a framework to promote successful transmission of knowledge and skills through reflective practice experiences. Referencing the Competency Guidelines and the Endorsement requirements, the authors recognize that the pathway required for Endorsement is complex and requires commitment over time to training, education and experiences that invite curiosity, critical thinking, self-reflection and the assessment of strengths and vulnerabilities when working from an infant and early childhood mental health perspective. As reflected in this guide, the authors encourage those training or educating others in the infant and family field to make a parallel commitment to knowledge, skills and reflective practice experiences, emphasizing self-reflection and the examination of personal and professional strengths, bias, privilege and vulnerabilities as trainers or educators when promoting competency and Endorsement in the infant and early childhood mental health field. From a diversity, equity and inclusion lens, the importance of critical thinking is inclusive of this guide which was developed within IECMH’s cultural framework founded on Western scientific methods and having its own cultural assumptions and biases. All sources, including this guide, are developed from the perspective of their authors and should be questioned and challenged.
Click Here for Training Guide and Self-Assessment
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